
YouTube Tuesday: Mr. Bean

BOOLEAN: Member Tights - Green with Envy

On the Job: Schedule

BOOLEAN: Friday Fashion Find - Comfy

Links and Stuff: November 24, 2011

Useful Things: Talking Turkey

YouTube Tuesday: Thanksgiving Storytime

On the Job: Enjoy Your Days Off

BOOLEAN: Friday Fashion Find - Shiny

Book 53: The One-Page Project Manager

BOOLEAN: Member Tights

Links and Stuff: November 17, 2011

Librarian Stuff

Book 52: Project Management in Libraries, Archives and Museums

BOOLEAN: Graphic Design

YouTube Tuesday: Share Your Food

On the Job: I'm Back

BOOLEAN: Friday Fashion Find - Harvest

So that's where my time goes...

Book 51: Orbiter

Book 50: Girls in White Dresses

Links and Stuff: November 10, 2011

Useful Things: Pin It!

Book 49: Blankets

Book 48: Death of a Hussy

YouTube Tuesday: The Smell of Books

On the Job: Plan Ahead

Book 47: The Invention of Hugo Cabret

5 Stars

BOOLEAN: They do exist!

BOOLEAN: Friday Fashion Find - Universal

BOOLEAN: Sheer Stripes

Links and Stuff: November 3, 2011

BOOLEAN: New Member

Book 45: The Alchemist

YouTube Tuesday: Oops

Book 46: License to Pawn