The Year in Review (Much Delayed Edition)

My 2009 Year in Review entry is a much delayed edition this year. I would try to give reasons for why it's so late, but it comes down to one thing: I was epically lazy.

Oh well - on to the reviewage!

Reading Goals v. Reading Reality
The only true reading goal I set for myself was to read what I wanted. Seeing as how the bulk of my reading were books assigned in my Juvenile literature class, I would say I only partially reached that goal.

I did, however, set some bookish goals and resolutions for myself. To see the annontated list from 2009, please see this entry from January. As for how I did this year, I think I did well.

1. I will not set a number of books to read this year.
-- Check.

2. I will read for me.
-- Half check: I was assigned way to much reading in my classes.

3. When I go the Library, I will not walk out with a gazillion books.
--Check. The most I walked out with was 2.

4. I will NOT BUY any books (again)
--Check... as far as I can recall. I don't notice any new books other than the ones I received for Christmas.

5. I will purge!
-- I did okay on this one. I ran through my shelves a few times and pulled out a couple titles here and there that I knew I would never get around to.

The Year in Genres
This year was the year of juvenile literature. I have my children's lit class to thank for that. At least I liked most of them - then again, I'll always find an excuse to read works meant for children and young adults.

Memoir = 3
Poetry = 2
Juvenile = 42
Non-Fiction = 4
Graphic Novels = 6
Romance = 16
Fiction = 17

The Year in Ratings
The ratings skewed toward the 6s and 7s this year. Much better than last year. I'll take it.

10 = 1
9 = 8
8 = 14
7 = 21
6 = 22
5 = 14
4 = 1
3 = 10
2 = 1
1 = 0

The 10 Best Books of 2009
Most of these are interchangeable. But I think this list displays why 2009 was the year of Juvenile literature.

10. Immoveable Feast: A Paris Christmas - John Baxter
9. The Book Thief - Mark Zusak
8. Make Way for Ducklings - Robert McCloskey
7. King Bidgood's in the Bathtub - Audrey Wood
6. The Ordinary Princess - M.M. Kaye
5. French Women Don't Get Fat - Mireille Guiliano
4. The Ominvore's Dilemma - Michael Pollan
3. Rules - Cynthia Lord
2. Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins
1. Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs - Judi Barret
