Anywho, my reading this week was pretty darn productive.
- As I mentioned last week, I finished my reading backlog. I also said that the mailman would rob me of my victory by dropping off a new issue of something. I was right. On Monday, I had the March 2013 issue of Cooking Light waiting for me. At least it was a fantastic issue. It was all about pasta. I pulled almost every pasta issue from this recipe. There was also a fantastic article about a home cook who decide to make really hard meals. It was a great read.
- For work, I flipped through the March/April 2013 digital supplement of American Libraries. It was a rather womp womp issue.
- In book reading, I was a star this week:
- I finished my professional reading book (Creating Your Library Brand) and started another (Strategic Planning for Social Media in Libraries).
- I'm [thisclose] to finishing Young, House, Love. Once I'm done, I'm going to flip back through and tagged some projects I want to try. I should probably start contemplating what I want to read next...