The Year in Review

I'm only a week late this year. Woot!

How I would Categorize 2010
This year, I read far less than I ever have before. 50 books! That's it. Normally I'm pushing above 60 - heck, closer to 70 most years.

I blame the decline on two things a) Google Reader and b) my home life. Google Reader is addictive. I probably devoured at least 10 hefty books in blog entries this year. Stop writing so much awesome content people!

Offline, my home life has been slightly altered this year. The Boyfriend moved in. We rediscovered cuddles and Doctor Who episodes as being the greatest stay at home dates ever. Throw in some Chinese take out and you've got yourself a good night.

I may have read less this year, but I did not feel reading deprived. There were three door stop books (anything over 450 pages) on my completed reading list this year. They clocked in at 656, 822, and 901 honking pages. I'm convinced the 900 pager could serve as a step ladder.

For the curious, I read 15,296 pages this year. Again, the least I've ever read but that's no small number.

Reading Goals v. Reading Reality
Based upon my set goals for 2009, which can be found here, I did a pretty good job. I think I excelled this year because I cheated in that I did not set any real reading goals  (i.e. a number of books to reach).

1. When I go the library, I will not walk out with a gazillion books.
-- Check. I was quite good about this. The only trip to the library where I walked away with a stack of books was when I stocked up for the readathon. That was a purposeful overload.

2. I will not buy any books.

-- Sorta check. Diana Gabaldon came out with a new graphic novel and I caved - but she's on my "Doesn't Count" list.

3. I will purge.

-- Holy cow did I follow through on this resolution. The Boyfriend moved in this year and, in preparation for his incoming books, I cleared out a bunch of my own. I donated 4 very full shopping bags to my local library. The items that went out the door included anything I didn't think I would get around to in 5ish years.

4. I will read more non-fiction.

-- If you count all the professional reading I completed this year, I aced this goal. If you don't count all the professional reading I was a not so great non-fiction reader.

5. I will update this blog once a week.
-- Huzzah! I win at this one. Granted, my weekly posts include link lists and YouTube videos, but I'm totally counting it.

The Year in Genres
I would consider 2010 to have been quite a diverse year. The massive number of library science books is my self imposed need to have one book of professional reading in my commute bag at all times. I like to think of it as continuing education. Other than that, I look like a Fiction bandit.

Books About Books = 2
Juvenile = 2
Memoir = 4
Mystery = 4
Non-Fiction = 4
Graphic Novels = 7
Library Science = 8
Romance  = 8
Fiction = 12

The Year in Ratings
This was a decidedly decent year. I've never lacked a 2 or 1 rating on my list, but this year I did. There was only one 10 and 9, but I am pleased by the amount of 6, 7, and 8s. Were I teacher, I would rate this year a B+.

10 = 1
9 = 1
8 = 5
7 = 10
6 = 22
5 = 7
4 = 1
3 = 3
2 = 0
1 = 0

The 10 Best Books of 2010 
For reasons unknown, even to myself, I am not counting professional reading on this list. Professional reading and recreational reading are separate lists in my head. I will say this, Bite-Sized Marketing is a great book for librarians... as is Doing Social Media So It Matters.

Now the countdown!

10. Death of a Maid by M.C. Beaton
9. The Exile by Diana Gabaldon
7. First Family by Joseph D. Ellis
6. This Book is Overdue! by Marilyn Johnson
5. The Photographer by Emmanuel Guibert
3. In Praise of Slowness by Carl Honore
2. An Echo in the Bone by Diana Gabaldon
1. World War Z by Max Brooks

Thank you for following along this year. Here's to everyone having an enjoyable new reading year!
