On today's to do list: weed the entire apartment! Between yesterday's suburb day errands, the baby items we've been handed down, and our upcoming baby shower, our apartment is getting ready for The Kid. But first, we have to make room for all the stuff. The Husband and I are going to spend a fair amount of hours today cleaning out closets and trying to make the biggest donation pile we can.
I've always weeded our place twice a year (once in the summer and once around the holidays), but this is the first time I'm being motivated to make room for new things as opposed to just passing on what we no longer use. I like a home where everything has a place and, hopefully, doing this will give us a place for ALL THE BABY THINGS.
- Magazines
- National Geographic, June 2019 - The bulk of this issue was devoted to wildlife tourism. The main article discussed how this kind of tourism is motivated by Instagram and social media as well as our need to experience nature. Sadly, most wildlife tourism is leading to problems with animal welfare. We are asking these creatures to do things they would not do in nature and many are also abused and neglected. So, before you take that photo with a tiger, consider what that animal's life has been. Related to this was a story on the sad, illegal trade of pangolins. These are adorable animals that kind of look like anteaters crossed with a pine cone. They are being hunted to extinction for their scales which are basically made of the same thing as fingernails. Finally, there was a great article on sargassum. This is a seaweed that floats around and provides a home to thousands of creatures in the open ocean. It was fascinating!
- Books
- I put some nice, long reading session dents in The Queen of Shadows. I'm [thisclose] to finishing so I put the next book on hold at the library. I am still doing my darndest to finish this series before The Kid arrives. I'm going to fail, but at least I'm giving it my all.