The Husband was out of town for work most of the week. That meant I could start listening to stuff as soon as I got out of bed. I'm not sure what my neighbors think of Planet Money streaming through their bathroom vent as I do my makeup but I, for one, enjoyed the aural company. Our apartment always seems to make the weirdest noises when I'm home alone.
- Big or small, some animals are "supernavigators." [All Things Considered]
- Authors are responsible for fact-checking their own non-fiction books. [Weekend Edition Saturday]
- How the music of Sesame Street stays current. [All Things Considered]
- The day of two noons. [Planet Money]
- Bad science and grubby fingers killed a president. [Science Vs]
- Making scientific posters easier to understand. [All Things Considered]
- How we got to the moon. [Fresh Air]