Title: The Year of Cozy: 125 Recipes, Crafts, and Other Homemade Adventures
Author: Adrianna Adarme
Started: January 6, 2019
Finished: January 7, 2019
Pages: 260 Pages
Genre: Non-Fiction
First Sentence: When I graduated from college, I was, at first, frustrated with my everyday life.
Summary: [From BN] From the author of the popular blog, A Cozy Kitchen, comes a beautifully photographed one-stop-shop book with all the recipes and projects you’ll need for some cozy inspiration this holiday season—and all year long. You’ll love Adrianna Adarme’s easy-to-follow instructions and will enjoy getting lost in her warm and comforting photographs. Organized by the months of the year and by categories as “Live,” “Do,” and “Make, ” this book offers ideas for activities, recipes, and DIY projects that make the little moments in life just as exciting as the big. Adarme gives us special (but totally doable) things we can do for others and ourselves. From quick recipes to easy crafts, she focuses on simple, inexpensive undertakings that have a big reward: happiness. The Year of Cozy will surely inspire you to march into your kitchen and craft closet to make something you can truly be proud of.
Thoughts: I don't read A Cozy Kitchen, but I can see why people do. This book was delightful. It's a little dose of hygge geared toward each season. Adarme's vibe is approachable and, even her fancy recipes and projects, don't seem all that hard. I love how the point of this book is to just spend time cooking things, making things, and doing things that make you happy. While the food and crafts are excellent, I love that Adarme includes ways to better explore your neighborhood and city.
Stylistically, this is just a pretty book to look at. The photos are luscious and well-crafted. This would make a good addition to your shelf or coffee table even if all you wanted was something pretty and decorative to flip through.
Rating: 7/10 [Very Good]
Author: Adrianna Adarme
Started: January 6, 2019
Finished: January 7, 2019
Pages: 260 Pages
Genre: Non-Fiction
First Sentence: When I graduated from college, I was, at first, frustrated with my everyday life.
Summary: [From BN] From the author of the popular blog, A Cozy Kitchen, comes a beautifully photographed one-stop-shop book with all the recipes and projects you’ll need for some cozy inspiration this holiday season—and all year long. You’ll love Adrianna Adarme’s easy-to-follow instructions and will enjoy getting lost in her warm and comforting photographs. Organized by the months of the year and by categories as “Live,” “Do,” and “Make, ” this book offers ideas for activities, recipes, and DIY projects that make the little moments in life just as exciting as the big. Adarme gives us special (but totally doable) things we can do for others and ourselves. From quick recipes to easy crafts, she focuses on simple, inexpensive undertakings that have a big reward: happiness. The Year of Cozy will surely inspire you to march into your kitchen and craft closet to make something you can truly be proud of.
Thoughts: I don't read A Cozy Kitchen, but I can see why people do. This book was delightful. It's a little dose of hygge geared toward each season. Adarme's vibe is approachable and, even her fancy recipes and projects, don't seem all that hard. I love how the point of this book is to just spend time cooking things, making things, and doing things that make you happy. While the food and crafts are excellent, I love that Adarme includes ways to better explore your neighborhood and city.
Stylistically, this is just a pretty book to look at. The photos are luscious and well-crafted. This would make a good addition to your shelf or coffee table even if all you wanted was something pretty and decorative to flip through.
Rating: 7/10 [Very Good]