Blog Update

Every other Wednesday, I share an item that I have pinned on one of my Pinterest boards. If I'm being honest, I haven't really fallen in love with this feature. So, starting in two weeks, I'm going to try something new.

Introducing The Now.
In this every other week feature, I will share what stories I'm following, shows I'm watching, food I'm cooking, projects I'm working on, and, really, anything else that has my attention at the moment. This idea sort of stems from The Now page movement that's been around for a bit. I believe that idea started with Derek Sivers and you can read more about why he has a now page on his website. His idea is getting around, so he also has a collection of now pages if you want to see what other people are up to.

I'm excited about this new feature, but if you want to keep an eye on what I'm pinning, you can head on over to my Pinterest page.
