What I'm Loving: Naps

On Saturday, I enjoyed a long walk to see all the vibrant foliage; I enjoyed a lunch out with The Husband; I enjoyed a delicious fancy beer from my home town; and I also enjoyed a nap. In the afternoon, while The Husband slept off his 8 mile morning run, I snuggled next to him and partook of a little snooze of my own.

We left the window open so there was a cool breeze and sounds of the kids playing in the schoolyard next door. The sun filtered through the blinds and we left the radio on. It was 30 minutes of peace that I often don't make time for. Naps are a fantastic form of self-care. They're free and feel a little indulgent because you get to shut out the world for a bit.

Naps are lost on the young. I remember revolting against them because I wanted to be up and doing things all the time. Now, I love a good nap. A friend and old roommate used to always nap during the third quarter of football games. It was like clockwork. The third quarter started and she was out like a light. The fourth quarter would kick off and she'd wake up to watch the end of the game. It was brilliant and I've adopted her system for a few games. There's nothing like bundling on the couch and conking out for a bit while the sounds of the game lull you to sleep.

On a proud sister side note, my brother ran his first marathon yesterday. He finished the NYC marathon in 4:15:54. It's an amazing feat and I wish him all the best naps because he deserves them. Way to go, little bro!
