In My TBR: Adulting

Title: Adulting: How to Become a Grown-Up in 468 Easy(ish) Steps
Author: Kelly Williams Brown

How Long It's Been a TBR: About a year.

Why It's a TBR: I may be in my mid-thirties, but that doesn't mean I feel like an adult. The Husband and I spent nearly 2 hours looking about our benefits for open enrollment on Sunday and I still feel like all I want to do is read YA novels and play with legos. I can make all kinds of food, schedule appointments, and negotiate my finances all like a "real" adult, but I still think there are lessons I missed. Sewing on a button? I try and always prick my thumb. Fixing a dripping faucet? No dice. Anything having to do with a car? I literally freeze in terror. I hope this book can help me fix some of my weak areas. I guess the main point of being an adult is you set out to learn what you need to know.

Chance I Read It Soon: I'm on a bit of a self-help reading kick. It might be sooner than I think.
