What I Read This Week: September 30, 2018

There was a lot about current events this week that just made me angry. I opted to do a lot of self care at the end of the week since I tackled all my between jobs tasks early on. That self care included enjoying some ASMR videos, having a home spa day, and cooking from scratch. Nothing like mashing potatoes through a sieve to make light and fluffy gnocchi to make you feel better.
  • Magazines

    • Food Network, October 2018 - The main ingredient in this issue was coffee. I like coffee so that was alright with me. I was also incredibly impressed with the ice cream cake made to look like a latte in a to go mug. This issue also had the usual dose of ideas you might want to try for a Halloween party. Finally, this should be my last issue of this magazine. As nice as it is to see pretty pictures and tasty looking food every month, this title is just not my favorite.
    • Cooking Light, October 2018 - One magazine I do love is Cooking Light which is why I was bummed to read that I probably won't be getting it anymore in the new year. I'll give the merged title a chance, but I'm not excited about this
      change. As for this particular issue, I loved that the feature recipe article was all about dutch oven cooking. Out dutch oven is one of my favorite kitchen tools. I also liked the story about food fact vs. fiction. I learned something! Finally, one of the chef columns was about constructing the perfect sandwich. She included a delightful backstory and her descriptions of this sandwich's individual ingredients left my mouth watering.
  • Books
    • This week, I finally got around to starting Lovable Livable Home by John and Sherry Petersik. They're the authors of the blog Young House Love. So far, I like this book a lot better than their first. It's likes over the top in the writing and the contents are both relateable to doable. Also, I love that they are inclusive of the families they discuss.
    • I started reading Vox by Christina Dalcher as soon as I was able to pick it up from the library. It's a really good book but it's making be righteously angry every time I read even a single page.
