I had some use 'em or lose 'em vacation days... so I used 'em. I was out of the office this week from Wednesday through Friday. That allowed me to make some headway on to do list items and run through a bunch of fun books. I also did laundry and cleaned the apartment but that part of adulting is far less exciting.
- Magazines
- Food Network, September 2018 - This issue was themed all about birthdays because the magazine is celebrating its tenth birthday. I'm okay with that. I loved seeing the stories behind previous covers and food trends throughout the decades. I also liked the feature recipes article on cakes. It covered different kinds of cakes, frostings, and how to construct everything. Finally, I was very tempted by the various party appetizer ideas and edible cookie doughs.
- Real Simple, August 2018 - This issue had several good articles that I think are worth a read. First, I liked the piece that discussed ideas for how to expand your social circle. As an introvert, even I could have employed a few of these. Next, there was a beautiful essay where a mom shared what it was like when her kids asked questions... particularly the tough questions. I also liked the story that related ideas for how to snap out of a bad mood. Finally, the piece about splitting household chores what enlightening. While I've never tallied things up, this article reminded me just how much The Husband does that I don't always pay attention to. (Thank you for driving me around everywhere, love!)
- Books
- I finished reading Crazy Rich Asians in the wee hours of Sunday (let's call it Monday). I loved how entertaining this story was and a friend and I already have plans to see the film. I also put a library hold on the next title in the series.
- Just in time for my trip to the library on Thursday, I polished off Styling for Instagram. I think the book was more about photography than it was about styling, but the tips were still useful. I think the book would work for anyone who wants to take better pictures - you don't need to be focused on Instagram.
- In my quest to finish off all the library books I have on hand (before my next round of holds comes in), I finished the two Wonder Woman graphic novels I picked up. It was impossible to not hear Gal Gadot's voice in my head as I read. Aesthetically, these reminded me of the movie, but I have no idea where the fall in the overall narrative of Wonder Woman. This is the first I've jumped in to this superhero story.
- I also managed to fly through two graphic novels by Sarah Anderson - Herding Cats and Adulthood is a Myth. These are basically book collections of her web comics, but they make me so happy that I don't care that I've read most of them before. I'm half tempted to buy everything she's released because I love them so much.