What I Read This Week: May 6, 2018

THE AC IS FINALLY ON IN OUR BUILDING! The peasants rejoice! The Husband and I had to suffer through three days of our apartment being an oven since we don't control when the building crosses over from heating to cooling.

In other news, we attended a wedding yesterday and it was lovely. One of my favorite things in life is seeing people be happy with each other. There was much dancing and catching up with friends who've moved.

  • Professional
    • College and Research Libraries News, March 2018 - I'm not saying that every librarian should read the article on adding LGBTQIA titles to their collection, but you maybe should consider it. Also, I LOVED the article on why branding matters. I know I need to be stronger in this area both at work and for my own professional development. Finally, there was an article on participatory displays in libraries - which sorta banks off the "give them something to photograph themselves with" part of my Instagram talk at Computers in Libraries.
    • College and Research Libraries News, April 2018 - After the March issue, this one was just there for me. 
    • American Libraries, March/April 2018 - There was a short piece about librarians recommending books based on people's tattoos. As long as the patrons are for that, I think it's an awesome idea. There was an interview with Emilio Estevez about his upcoming movie, The Public. I already wanted to see the movie before... but now I REALLY want to see it. Finally, I loved reading the piece of libraries engaging with and encouraging civic-minded teens. It's something we should all be doing.
    • American Libraries, May 2018 - The bulk of this issue was devoted to the library systems report. I like to give this a glance just to see trends and all that jazz. Aside from that, there was an interesting column on libraries teaching adulting 101 - you know, those skills we all should have learned from our families or in school. It's just one more service our great institutions offer.
  • Magazines
    • Food Network, May 2018 - I breezed through this issue pausing only to ooh at the chocolate tips and recipes. The feature on throwing a Mother's Day tea party was also good.
  • Books
    • I'm making decent progress through Lord John and The Brotherhood of the Blade. This week's page count was definitely bolstered by the fact that it was too hot to sleep.
