Recently, however, I found a blog that's worth keeping. I subscribe to the Girls's Night In newsletter. It comes out once a week and is full of content that just gets me. A few weeks ago, the newsletter was guest edited by Rachel Miller. (She wrote the dot journaling book I am SO excited to crack open soon.) The newsletter let me know that she had a blog, so I surfed on over to The REWM.
Well, over a dozen posts and an hour of reading later, I immediately added her RSS to my Feedly reader. Since then, I have not been disappointed. This is a blog that just fits my personality. It doesn't post too often and Rachel links out to amazing long reads and other things that suit my curiosity or simply make me happy. My favorite section of her weekly posts is "Best Life" - I feel like we're friends and enjoying the simple pleasures that make life fun.
In some ways, REWM feels like a longtime friend who I can just share things with. The posts are all weekly wrap-ups so all the content is timely. Rachel and I also seem to have the same taste in pop culture, food, and hobbies. I find that I am now actively looking forward to her posts every week. I love when something as simply as a blog can make me so happy.