What I Read This Week: March 25, 2018

Snow days that come in the middle of the week are some of my favorite. DC got hit with just enough snow to shut down the city on Wednesday. I used my unexpected free time to work on my upcoming Computers in Libraries presentation on Instagram and community engagement. If you've got burning questions about that, I would love to hear them.
  • Books
    • I'm nearing the end of Fire and Fury. I really ought to finish it soon considering it was due back to the library this past Thursday... Oh well. I'll pay the late fine when I drop it off. 
  • Other
    • Apparently, millennials are bad at mail. The Husband and I are very good about checking our mailbox and dealing with it's contents, but I get the point of this article. I'm the weirdo that also still likes to send snail mail so maybe I'm am outlier in this area. [MEL]
    • One things millennials are getting right? Living with plants. [NYT]
    • Oh, and one more thing about millennials, they're filling Goodwill with all the stuff their parents are trying to hand down to them. [Business Insider]
