The Husband was out of town this week for work. That meant I got to binge watch The Crown. I didn't manage to finish the second season, but I came darn close. I've always been a bit of a royal watcher so this series is right up my alley. It's incredibly well produced and acted. It also makes me want to strut about highly appointed rooms in a ballgown.
- Books
- I am doing the best I can to motor through Michael Wolff's Fire and Fury. I have a tight deadline to finish this because it's a library book with a long hold list which means no renewals. So far, I'm just as frustrated and dispirited as I thought I would be. I'm also a bit cranky that this book seemed to miss a basic editing of the copy. I've counted at least 5 obvious typos already.
- Other
- I've been playing catch up on my RSS reader all week. No particular stories jumped out at me, but this binge reading reminded me that Political Wire is one of the best blogs out there for political news. If you're not following them already, you really should.