What I Read This Week: July 9, 2017

Holidays that arrive mid-week always throw my mental schedule out of whack. Tuesday felt like a Saturday. Wednesday felt like a Monday. Thursday felt like a Friday. Weirdness. On the Fourth, The Husband and I got to enjoy DC's fireworks on the rooftop of one of friend's buildings. The rain managed to miss us so we had a blast grilling and seeing the sparkles. I know they're illegal, but I love how people all over DC set off fireworks. It's a 360 show!
  • Work
    • I was able to get back to reading Digital Preservation.... and I finished it! That is a good thing because, now that we are done moving our campus libraries, digital preservation and digitization are the new main focus of my job.
  • Magazines
    • Food Network, July/August 2017 - For the first time in a long time, I did not save one recipe from this magazine. This issue had plenty of BBQ and picnic foods, which I love, but most of them are grill based. Since we no longer have a grill, I skimmed right through them. The foil packet dinners were intriguing but, again, grill based. 
    • Washingtonian, July 2017 - When I sat down to read this issue earlier this week, I didn't think I'd end up finishing it in one sitting. Normally it takes me a few days to get through each issue. I have a feeling my speed was due to the bulk of this issue being about food. The cheap eats cover story gave
      me a great list of new places to try. I also liked the story about the guy behind the Instagram account DCFoodPorn. I've followed that account for a few months so it was cool to get the behind the scenes story. In non-food news, the article about moving the Capital out of DC was intriguing... and a little scary since I live here. The one downside to this issue was the HUGE ad section featuring Best Of relators, doctors, etc. I always flip past those.
  • Books
    • I finished off This Place Has No Atmosphere early in the week. It's a very nostalgic book for me to read (I loved it as a kid), but I can see now that the book itself is not the best. I'll have a full review up soon.
    • I started reading The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets of Happy Living by Meik Wiking. So far it's a slightly denser version of The Live Changing Magic of Tidying Up. The books have the same sort of structure. They even feel the same in the hand. I'm almost halfway done already and I can't wait to add more hygge to my daily life.
