Happy New Year!
This is a paltry list because I spent most of the past week with family, eating, cleaning, eating, getting stuff done on my to do list, eating, puttering around on the internet, and eating. But at least there is some reading!
This is a paltry list because I spent most of the past week with family, eating, cleaning, eating, getting stuff done on my to do list, eating, puttering around on the internet, and eating. But at least there is some reading!
- Books
- I'm a little over halfway through Cupcakes, Pinterest, and Lady Porn. For an academic book, I'm working through this at a pretty good clip. It's definitely not designed as a sitdown and read straight through sort of thing, but I am very much enjoying what I am learning about feminized popular culture.
- Other
- An article in The Washington Post shows how suburbs are starting to view sprawl as a health hazard. As someone how hates to drive and walks to things as much as possible, this is a change I can get behind.
- Hat tip to The Husband for sending me this WaPo article on what it's like to be diplomatically expelled from a country.