What I Read This Week: October 9 and October 16, 2016

Wowzers! It has been an incredible past few weeks. The Husband and I went on a wonderful trip to London and France. We walked all over the place and saw many fantastic places and museums. All that walking meant we could EAT ALL THE FOOD. And, oh, was there a lot of delicious food to me had. My stomach is sad that it no longer gets to eat pastries every day.

This post covers the past two weeks of reading.
  • Work
    • American Libraries AL International Digital Supplement - I mostly skimmed this issue, but I loved seeing the innovate projects from libraries around the world.
  • Books
    • I am [thisclose] to finishing The Land of Painted Caves. Traveling by train and plane for hours on end was incredibly helpful. If not for that, I think I would be reading this book until Christmas. 
  • Other
    • ALL THE MUSEUM THINGS. While we were on vacation, we visited the British Museum, the Papal Palace in Avignon, the Space Center in Toulouse, and the Musee D'Orsay (among others). We read all the English language placards we could find. I even managed to muddle my way through a large chunk of the French ones as well. Learning! It's fun!
Reading on the plane.
