In other news, my hockey team might be trying to kill me. I don't think my heart can take much more of this, but I have to keep watching. Go Caps!
- Work
- I snuck in a few pages of Handbook for Digital Project, but a lot of my week was taken up by end of semester/fiscal year items.
- Magazines
- Good Housekeeping, May 2016 - I skimmed the bulk of this issue, but I did enjoy the article on how to calm yourself about our most frequent sources of stress. I also liked the essay snippet on the best advice a mother has ever given her daughter. I may have to seek out the book it's from.
- National Geographic, May 2016 - This was a special issue devoted entirely to Yellowstone. It was practically a book. The layout was fantastic and provided a fine mix of photographs and articles, long and short. I also enjoyed how many of the pieces touched upon the consequences of animals living near and with humans. This is a must buy issue if you love the national parks.
- Real Simple, May 2016 - This issue had a decent mix of articles, but I accidentally read most of it online before the print copy arrived. Oops. I very much enjoyed the tips and tricks pieces on organizing a small space, cleaning your home, and how to take care of your eyes. The article I liked best was on apologizing. It described why we have trouble apologizing, the best way to apologize, and how to teach your kids to apologize. Good stuff.
- Books
- I finished Spark Joy by Marie Kondo early in the week. It was everything I wanted it to be, and I definitely plan on putting a few of her more detailed tips into practice when I super-clean our apartment in the near future.
- I'm beginning to put a small dent in Judy Blume's In The Unlikely Event. So far it's mainly set-up and character introduction... and there are a lot of characters to remember. Hopefully, I'll be able to keep everyone straight in my head. I may need to turn to the internet. Someone must have put a character chart online.
- Other
- The ladies and I met for article club earlier this week. We read a long (much longer than anticipated) piece from the Washington Post. It was all about the mood of the country in various places during the first primaries. Interesting piece. Interesting discussion. It will be quite the November.