Well what do you know, it's Read-a-thon Eve. I've had this date on my calendar since it was selected, but I wasn't positive I would be able to participate until recently.
How am I preparing tonight? By attending the Washington Capital's playoff game against the Philadelphia Flyers of course! That's right, this post was auto-set to go off at the start of the game. Have no fears, fellow readers, I was able to take care of my usual prep work yesterday. I took a half-day from work (I have to use days or I lose them), and I hit up the store. I bought my usual smorgasbord of snacks (veggies, cheeses, meats, etc.) and prepped the fancy breakfast to be popped in the oven tomorrow morning.
I've also decided to take a more relaxed approach this time. I started to do so during the last read-a-thon, and it worked quite well. I enjoyed myself more and pressure/stress to READ MOAR BOOKS was a lot lower. I'm relaxing things even more this time. Instead of hourly check-ins, I will only post when I feel like. I've also reduced my usual blog template to be less wordy. More time for reading (and snacking) makes me a happy camper.
One thing that hasn't changed is my motivation. I will be donating 5 cents for every page I read to First Book.
Here's what's on my table to be read tomorrow. It's heavy on the food titles, but Lady K probably wants her slow cooker books back.