What I Read This Week: February 7, 2016

Today is the day I make far too much chili, have lots of friends over, and watch a football game I have no stake in. At least the Superbowl is preceeded by a Caps game?

Also, this list is short because I've been far too tired to do anything by lie about and empty my RSS reader.
  • Magazines
    • Washingtonian, January 2016 - This had two articles I enjoyed above all others. The first was advice from locals about how to do various things better in DC. The second was on reducing clutter... cause that is still my jam. There was also a nice piece about how Galludet is adapting architecture for the deaf.
  • Books
    • I sure hope you like reading about Shelters of Stone in this spot. It's a hefty book, which I'm enjoying, but it will take me several weeks (months?) to finish its many, many pages.
  • Other
