What I Read This Week: June 7, 2015

Well would you look at this long list. Last Sunday, The Husband and I were going to take part in the Post Hunt, a scavenger hunt and puzzle game through the streets of downtown DC. When we saw the weather forecast (90s and humid, blech) we opted to stay in. While he played Assassin's Creed: Black Flag, I read a pile of magazines. I feel like I win.

  • Work
    • American Libraries, June 2015 - This issue was mainly about the ALA annual conference in San Francisco. I skimmed most of that stuff, but I did read the article on libraries staying open through crisis. Hugs to all those librarians! I also enjoyed the article on libraries and conventions... as in comicons.
  • Magazines
    • GQ, June 2015 - The Husband receives this magazine as a part of his Gentleman's Box subscription. He tossed this issue my way because of the article on the "Indie Wedding Revolution." It was indeed an amusing piece. I flipped through the rest of the issue, and stopped to read the cover story on Chris Pratt. I'm a fan of his acting work, but the article made him sound like a bit of a bro.
    • HGTV Magazine, June 2015 - As per usual, I mostly flipped through this magazine. That said, I very much enjoyed the articles on flipping flea market finds adding color to decor. Finally, I learned a new method of scrubbing my tub that I might have to try.
    • Real Simple, May 2015 - The cover piece about all natural cleaning was right up my alley. I've been trying to move to more natural and reusable products for cleaning our home, so I flagged quite a bit of this. I also filed away the article about raising a family to have a healthy body image. The quick bit on how to plank correctly during a workout made my abs hurt... it also reminded me I need to add that exercise
      back into my workout. This issue also included a menopause survival guide. I'm not there yet, but every bit of knowledge could come in handy one day.
    • Real Simple, June 2015 - Keeping with the natural theme, this issue had a whole article on natural remedies. I like modern medicine, but I would be willing to give a few of the simpler ones a try. Ginger for a stomach ache and lemon balm for a cold sore? Why not? There was a nice gift guide in this issue, and I filed a few ideas away. The best article in this issue was about all the ways we don't help ourselves, i.e. trying to organize everything at once instead of doing it in small batches, etc. I am guilty of more than a few of the items on their list.
    • The Atlantic, June 2015 - The cover story about a botched lethal injection was very hard to read. One, I dislike needles and there was a whole lot of description about that. Two, the
      subject matter is incredibly serious and important to discuss. Aside from that article, I found the pieces on being a jerk and Hillary's age to be quite good. Finally, the article on Columba Bush, Jeb Bush's wife, was fascinating. I'm always intrigued by those who don't follow convention.
  • Books
    • I finished The Sweet Life in Paris. I have mixed feelings about this book. It makes me want to go back to Paris, but the author makes the people sound awful... also, he, himself, comes across as a bit of a judgmental jerk.
  • Other
    • The Atlantic posted a fantastic article on all the ways women try to be discrete with their feminine hygiene products. I suspect half of the population knows these feels well.
    • In this piece from The Washington Post, find out what happens when food critics take toddlers to fancy restaurants.
