What I Read This Week: June 21, 2015

Would you look at this massive list of reading! I was on a roll this week. That's what happens when I have absolutely nothing planned after work. Sometimes you just need a week at home.

While I read, The Husband played Zelda on our new Wii that we bought off Lady B. I'm not a gamer myself, but I always enjoy being able to follow the storyline and listen to the music. Assassin's Creed - now there's a franchise with excellent scoring.
  • Work
    • I breezed through the June 2015 issue of College & Research Libraries News. The only article that jumped out at me was the piece on library impact story logs. The say the best way to persuade someone is with facts and a story.
    • I'm finished reading Managing Change. Yeah for professional development reading that goes by quickly and is relatively helpful!
  • Magazines
    • Cooking Light, June 2015 - I loved that this issue was all about farmers markets - what to buy, how to buy, how to store, and what to make. Delicious, fresh produce is one of my favorite things. In addition to all the glorious market stuff, there were two smaller articles I enjoyed. The first was how to talk to your kids about weight. In short: don't. The second was the 2,000 calories and 10,000 steps; it took place in DC, and now I have something to do one day this summer.
    • Cooking Light, July 2015 - It's not fair that I no longer have a grill or outdoor entertaining space and all my food magazines are doing their summer grilling features. Wah! All of that stuff looked so awesome. What was also awesome was the feature article on French vegetables. Noms. Finally, there was a tidbit on how to stay hydrated. As someone who loves to drink water, this was nothing new but I still enjoyed reading it.
    • HGTV Magazine, July / August 2015 - This was slightly better than the other issues of the magazine I've read so far. The article on the best and worst times to take care of things around the house was very informative. I also enjoyed the pieces on how to arrange flowers and tips for moving. Finally, there were several pages on products you "should" buy for your summer parties. I'm not up for being sold on "stuff" "I need," but the pictures were pretty darn cute.
    • Washingtonian, June 2015 - The cover article about cheap eats in the area made me very hungry. Noms please! I feel like I should grab food from one of these places and take it to one of the picnic spots mentioned in another article. In other news, the article about how to handle the digital estate after the passing of a loved one was a bit hard to read but very informative. Finally, my favorite piece in this issue was the article on how we all survive in DC without a car. Uber, Peapod, Drizzle, etc. - all of these innovations make it easier to live without owning a car. As someone who absolutely hates driving, I am a fan of all of these developments.
    • Real Simple, July 2015 - What did I say about making recommendations about grilling and outdoor entertaining? Grr. At least this feature focused on picnicking. I still don't have a grill, but there are several dozen in Rock Creek Park I could pounce on if I want to put any of these party plans into action. Aside from that, this issue had good articles on growing your emotional intelligence and ageless fashion advice. Nothing
      ground-breaking there, but all very readable.
    • Good Housekeeping, July 2015 - I'm not one for smoothies, but the summer drinks in this issue did look good. The best part of this issue was the story about a grandmother reminiscening about growing up in her grandmother's hair salon. Other than that, I pretty much flew through this issue.
  • Books
    • I'm nearly done with Adultery and the story is chugging along in a very OMG-I-NEED-TO-READ-MORE manner. Too bad I keep falling asleep. Why does the summer heat take so much out of me?
