What I Read This Week: June 14, 2015

So, the Librarian of Congress is retiring in January. My dad would make an excellent candidate for the vacancy. Who do I need to talk to get him on the short list?
  • Work
    • For the first time in a good long while, I picked up a book to read for professional development reasons. Due to HUGE staffing changes at our library (and University), my whole department is being reorganized. I decided to pick up Managing Change by Susan Carol Curzon. So far, I'm just into the basics, but I think it will be a worthwhile read.
  • Magazines
    • Good Housekeeping, June 2015 - My mum has decided to make sure I'm never without a magazine. She gifted me a subscription to this title. It's the first time I've read Good Housekeeping in years. It feels very much like a slightly older Real Simple (with thinner paper to boot). That said, I did enjoy all the grilling ideas (I miss our grill!) and the terrifying article on skin cancer. Note to self: skin check this weekend.
    • National Geographic, June 2015 - I read everything in this issue and learned a ton of new things. I had no idea the hoops scientists had to jump through to study marijuana, or that the Aral Sea has essentially disappeared. Throw an a heart-warming article about dolphins and you have an excellent
  • Books
    • Early this week, I started reading Paulo Coelho's Adultery. When I showed the cover to The Husband he asked me to share any tips I pick up. (A jokester that one. I think I'll keep him.) It's not quite what I expected, but so far I am greatly enjoying the book.
  • Other
    • I'm not shy about the fact that I'm on Team Hillary, but I think this WaPo article about her grit is worth a read for everyone.
