Why I Love... Bad Page Turners

The book I am reading now is not good, but I can't stop staying up late to read it. I have serious issues with the plot, the characters, and the writing style, but I am absolutely absorbed in the story. Sometimes, a bad book just hits you the right way and you can't stop reading.

I've had this sensation happen with many genres of books, but fiction (and "chick lit") seem to do the best job of keeping me wanting more. If the story is good and hits you in the right feels, it doesn't matter if the book is technically bad. Sometimes bad books are the best reads. It's all about pacing and mood. High drama works best for me, but sometime even subtler stories will trigger a feeling of OMG CAN'T STOP READING. I think this happens for the same reason we all "hate watch" things on television. You know it's not good, but you just can't wait to find out where the whole story is going.

I'll probably finish the book off this weekend, and I am a little bummed by that. It's been a delightfully, easy to read book, and I don't think the next book I pick up will be able to hold my attention as well.
