CURRENTLY READING: Shadows in the Vineyard
THOUGHTS?: The plot thickens. This book is building the mystery by discussing many aspects of history and winemaking. I cannot wait to see the conclusion.
SNACKS AND STUFF: Just coffee. I should probably leave what's left for The Husband.
COMPANION UPDATE: Speaking of which, he is still asleep.
ANYTHING ELSE?: I'm being partially distracted by what's on TV. Sometime ago, The Husband figured out how to load pictures onto the Apple TV. Now when we play music, there is a slideshow of our wedding and engagement pictures. Every now and then, I look up from my book and get distracted for a few minutes.
PAGES READ THIS HOUR: 39 (Consistency!)
BOOKS COMPLETED: None yet. I estimated 3-4 hours before I have one here. I am a slow non-fiction reader.