2014 In Review

This is a quick re-cap of 2014 because I only read 17 books this year. Yikes! Althought, those 17 books did amount to 7,764 pages.

Apparently, I liked door-stoppers this year.

The Year In Genres

Fiction = 8
Non-Fiction = 3
Cookbook = 2
Young Adult/Juvenile =2
Wedding = 1
Romance = 1

The Year in Ratings
It was a slightly better than mediocre year. On the other hand, nothing truly stunk. Except Allegient. I did not enjoy that conclusion.

1 = 0
2 = 0
3 = 0
4 = 1
5 = 1
6 = 2
7 = 9
8 = 2
9 = 1
10 = 1

Top 5 Reads of 2014
Normally I would do a Top 10 list, but that seems pretty ridiculous given the number of books I read this year.

5. The Bronze Horseman by Paulina Simmons
4. Pope Joan by Donna Woolfolk Cross
3. Budget Bytes by Beth Moncel
2. The Knot Complete Guide to Weddings by Carley Rooney
1. How To Be a Woman by Caitlan Moran 

There you have it. 2014 was a mundane year for reading, but a pretty kick-ass year for me (and The Husband) otherwise. Here's to a decent upcoming year of reading and other bookish things... if I could just finish my magazine backlog first.
