What I Read This Week: September 28, 2014

This week I realized that we're essentially two months out from the wedding and still have a "To Do" list the length of me. Queue panic attack. I'm sure everyone who has gotten married has hit that point. Now I understand why people have been telling us to elope. Maybe part of the reasons newlyweds are so happy is because they don't have to plan a wedding anymore.
  • Work
    • American Libraries: International Digital Edition, August 2014 -  I mostly skimmed this issue, but it was nice to get a taste of what other librarians are doing abroad. We once had a librarian from German visit us and it was fascinating to hear how her institution operated.
  • Magazines
    • Real Simple, August 2014 - This was my replacement issue. Woot. I probably could have skipped it. There were some useful laundry trips and no cook meal ideas, but otherwise it was just a flip through issue.
  • Books
    • I'm about a hundred pages into The Valley of Horses. It's a slow paced but an enjoyable read so far. My guess, this will be the last book I read before the wedding.
