What I Read This Week: September 14, 2014

Football! I got distracted.
  • Magazines 
    • Real Simple, September 2014 - This issue seemed thicker than normal. Is that just a thing that happens to magazines in the month of September? I enjoyed reading the article about the mother her comforted her daughter with mashed potatoes. I dare you to read those pages a not want a bowl of buttery mashed tubers. The article on how to achieve your goals was pretty straightforward but very useful. In well timed pieces, this issue had tips on how to buy rugs. We're still on the search for one to use in our bedroom. And, it seems that Real Simple will now include more articles on work and money. If this issue is any indication, I shall be learning a lot from these new pieces. Finally, the article on 20 minute meals had be stealing recipes left and right.
    • Food Network, October 2014 - I only pulled a few recipes from this issue but there were tons of tasty look apple recipes. This issue also included a section of cute Halloween pumpkin ideas.
  • Books
    • I should finish up The Man Who Found Time early this week. The book was a surprisingly good and quick read.
