This week was light on meetings and heavy on "catch up." Also, The Fiance was out of town for work for 48 hours. All of that meant I got a chance to plow through a backlog of readings. Go me!
- Work
- It took me a few days, but I managed to finish The State of America's Libraries for 2014. People continue to think libraries are important and libraries are continuing adapt to community needs but money remains an issue. I think they could release the same report every year and no one would really notice.
- In my attempt to catch up on my back log of professional reading, I also tackled the following:
- ALA Spring/Summer 2014 Catalog - I pinned a few new books to my professional TBR board.
- American Libraries, May 2014 - The only article that jumped out at me (on a personal level) was the brief piece about libraries using crowdfunding. Bout darn time. I did find the article on collection development to be professionally helpful. The issue also had an interesting piece on extremist literature in library collections.
- American Libraries, June 2014 - The bulk of this issue was a preview of the annual conference... in Las Vegas. I can only imagine the shenanigans to be had when a ton of librarians are let loose on the strip.
- American Libraries, Digital Supplement to June 2014 - Ebooks are on the rise but still have a way to go (cause publishers and libraries don't see exactly eye-to-eye).
- Magazines
- National Geographic, June 2014 - The cover story is about military dogs, and I heard an NPR interview with the main subject before the issue arrived in my mailbox. The audio made me cry, those tears welled up again while I read this article. It's a moving story. Nat Geo is also doing a series on how to feed a growing population. This month was about farmed fish and I found it utterly fascinating. Also, puffins are cute!
- Washingtonian Bride & Groom, Spring 2014 - I love looking at DC area weddings. (I might follow one too many DC area wedding blogs.) This magazine was those blogs in print form. While we're pretty much past the info gathering stage, I loved looking at all the pictures. I did enjoy the article on how to write your own vows.
- Books
- Who put a HUGE dent in The Arrangement. This girl. This is not your typical romance novel, and I am enjoying the change of characters.
- Other
- Salon hosted an insightful essay on one woman's parenting decision and it's fallout.
- BuzzFeed directed me to a fascinating article about pregnant actresses on screen.
