I got a new shiny this week. A new, shiny computer to be specific. The new shiny's operating system is Windows 8. I have no idea where anything is. Perhaps I should read the manual...
In other news, Lady B and Lady K helped the Fiance and host Ringfest 2014: The Lordening yesterday. I sent Lady B the NPR article about hosting a Lord of the Rings party... and it kind of spiraled from there. I might still be digesting.
In other news, Lady B and Lady K helped the Fiance and host Ringfest 2014: The Lordening yesterday. I sent Lady B the NPR article about hosting a Lord of the Rings party... and it kind of spiraled from there. I might still be digesting.
- Work
- Our network went down on Tuesday. You never realize how much your job relies on computers until you can't get into any programs. Luckily for me, the downtime allowed me to plow through the last of my article stash.
- Consortial Book CirculationPatterns: The OCLC-OhioLink Study
- Information Literacy: The BattleWe Won That We Lost?
- Blogging in Context: Reviewing theAcademic Blogosphere
- The Reference Desk,Points-of-Sale, and the Building of Loyalty: Applications of CustomerRelationship Management Techniques to Library Marketing
- Using Students to MakeInstructional Videos: Report of an Initial Experiment
- Designing User-Focused MarketingCulture in Academic Libraries: A Conceptual Outline
- Promoting Discovery: Creating andIn-Depth Library Marketing Campaign
- Library Technology Forecast for 2014 and Beyond
- Books
- I managed to read a few chapters of Veronica Roth's Allegient. I was lost for a bit since I did not remember many of the secondary characters. Luckily, a quick recap of the first two books Wikipedia entries set me straight.
- Magazines
- I have not read any in weeks (more likely months) - my plan is to start attacking them this week. I will dwindle the pile, gosh darn it.