What I Read This Week: November 17, 2013

Last weekend, The Fiance and I gallivatned through Virginia wine country. We had a lovely trip and brought back many a bottle of vino. I look forward to popping the cork on a few of those while kicking back with a good book.

Since I was out of the office for a few days, I played catch-up all week. Color me pleasantly surprised that I was able to get any recreational reading done.
  • Work
    • I flipped through the November/December 2013 issue of American Libraries. I enjoyed the article about library outreach to fantasy football players... too bad I am losing horribly in both my leagues. More seriously, I think there should be more serious discussion about the article on teaching kids to navigate the news.
  • Magazines
    • Cooking Light, October 2013 - I enjoyed the piece on portion size because I make the same mistakes most people do. I found the favorite recipes spread to be yummy looking, but I only pulled one dish to try. The taste test awards were also amusing.
  • Books
    • I put a sizable dent in Joy for Beginners after ignoring it for a week. It's a great book. That's not a surprise to me given that I've loved everything Erica Bauermesiter has written.
