What I Read This Week: September 29, 2013

Bye, September! I hardly knew ya! Since you flew by so fast, I will honor your memory by keeping this introduction just as short.
  • Work 
    • I managed to get through a few more pages of  The ART of People Management. This last part of the book is actually helpful. More please!
  • Books
    • Since the Fiance was out Wednesday night, I decided to take advantage of his absence by climbing into bed early and reading for several, uninterrupted hours. I am nothing if not a party girl. Dark Triumph has hit the point where I just want to read it all in one sitting. Win. To bad life gets in the way. Lose.
  • Other
    • I got around to reading several articles I tagged to read later. Most were skims, but I found the Atlantic piece on the flipped classroom fascinating. 
    • I'm a big nerd. Maybe that's why this article on how to cite a tweet tickled me pink.
