Why I Love... Bad Books

Okay, this might be a strange one, but I actually like reading bad books. Earlier this summer, I actually sought out a book because I was in the mood for something horrible.

Bad books can be entertaining despite their content. The writing could be atrocious, the plotting could be horrendous, and the characters could make you want to spit nails - but all together, a bad book can be a good read. Bad books remind me of my love of "So bad their good" movies. Sometimes, you're just in the mood for something that entertains because it's not the best thing ever.

Aside from the entertainment value, bad books are subjective. Each reader has their own likes and dislikes. Bad books allow you to develop a better understanding of what you do and don't like to read. When you discover something you can't stand, you know to avoid it. Or, better yet, when you discover something that's just "meh" you learn to tweak your reading to find just the right book for you.

Not every book can be a gem. If all books were the same quality, I don't think reading would be as fun. It's the diversity that makes reading such an adventure. Besides, it's in reading the bad books that we learn what the truly good books are.


Stefanie said…
Ah yes, so bad they are good! I don't read them often but they can be quite enjoyable. I often go for the over-the-top Victorian gothic though I often think the blockbuster 1970s novel would do the trick too.
Meghan said…
Ooo, gothic. That is one genre I need to give a try.