What I Read This Week: August 11, 2013

The Fiance and I both got Fitbit flexes this week. It's making me want to walk all the things! Which is, I gather, the whole point. That means more reading on the elliptical and bike. Between that and spending some quality time at the pool flipping through bridal mags with Lady C, I had a banner week in reading. Go me!
  • Work
    • American Libraries, July/August 2013 - This issue was a digital supplement that mainly served as a recap of the ALA annual conference. Meh.
    • I read a rather interesting article by Gillian S. Gremmels titled "Staffing Trends in College and University Libraries." It's interesting to see how libraries are changing their staff structure to meet the new demands of our work.
  • Magazines
    • For the Bride, Fall 2013 - Flip flip flip, oooo! An article on healthy tips for two. Flip flip flip.
    • Bridal Guide, September/October 2013 - I read a bit more in this magazine. I liked the A to Z planning guide piece. I also like the quick bit on budget tricks. 
    • Weddingstar.com, 2012/2013 - This isn't a magazine so much as it is a catalog. That said, it gave me some ideas on decor and things I need.
    • Martha Stewart Living, September 2013 - This was the home issue, but I found the food articles and the essay on handwriting to be the most interesting.
    • Food Network, September 2013 - There were many (many!) delicious looking recipes in this issue, but I've seen them (ones like them) before. I did like the bit on "Can you salt it?" Who knew salting fruit would work.
  • Books 
    • I finished The Heretic Queen. It was quite entertaining, and I liked it a bit better than the other Moran book I finished this summer.
    • I'm a few pages into a new book, Twilight in Babylon, by Suzanne Frank. It's, I think, the third book in a series. I'm not quite sure I'm in the mood to read this book, but I was not in the mood to start a book set in another time/location. I wanted to stick in the ancient era for a bit longer.
  • Other
    • NPR posted an awesome piece called "Stars Are Everywhere." You should read it, because it is awesome.
    • Finally, I delved into the online Fitbit Flex manual. I gotta know what the heck this thing does if I'm going to out-walk The Fiance. 
