Book 3: Blueprint for Your Library Marketing Plan

TITLE: Blueprint for Your Library Marketing Plan: A Guide to Help You Survive and Thrive
AUTHOR: Patricia H. Fisher and Marseille M. Pride
STARTED: January 25, 2013
FINISHED: February 5, 2013
PAGES: 135
GENRE: Library Science

FIRST SENTENCE: Marketing is about bringing them in and bringing them back.

SUMMARY: [From Barnes and Noble]  Drawing on the authors' many decades of experience in marketing and as librarians and trustees, Blueprint for Your Library Marketing Plan offers a step-by-step program to get any library up to speed with minimal angst." Reproducible forms and worksheets, quick-start tips, strategies and models from other libraries, and resources for more information enhance this one-stop handbook. Librarians and directors in public, academic, and special libraries, marketing specialists, and students and instructors in library programs can learn to tailor marketing plans, prioritize services, and address community needs using this library-focused, hands-on guide.

THOUGHTS: I took a marketing class as a part of my Library Science degree studies. We used a different book as our main text, but this one would have worked as well. It offers a good representation of how to develop a marketing plan and why, but I found it a wee bit disorganized and incomplete at times. Over all, this is a pretty decent crash course for anyone who needs one.

RATING: 5/10 [Meh.]
