Onto the reading! Since I finished both my personal and work books, I decided that this week would be devoted to magazines.
- The Atlantic, November 2012 - First, I think this magazine reformated it's style again. The layout/graphic design seemed way different than normal. I like it; seems a bit more modern. Second, this was a good and scary issue - like the editors wanted you to worried about the world. At least the articles were good. I quite liked the following:
- The Bloomberg Way
- Hacking the President's DNA
- General Failure (The best piece in the magazine; now I want to read the book.)
- Clean (a fiction piece)
- National Geographic, January 2013 - This issue was all about exploration. The articles were great, but the images were the winner in this issue. I just say you get this issue and read it cover to cover.
- American Libraries, November/December 2012 (Digital Supplement) - I skimmed most of this issue because it was online, but I found the articles on job market and personal branding to be very informative.
- Everyday Food, December 2012 - Apparently, this is the last issue (one of the last issues?) of this magazine. Martha Stewart has decided to include the features of this magazine into one of her other magazines. Well, if it is indeed the last issue, it was a good one to go out on. There were some delicious looking cookies and holiday meals that I pulled to make later.