What I Read This Week: December 2, 2012

Since The Boyfriend and I were on the road last Sunday (ugh, holiday traffic) this post covers everything I've read since November 18th. Normally, I would have plowed through several books whilst on Thanksgiving break, but touristy stuff (mmmm, beer), my ten-year high school reunion (already?!?) and Notre Dame football (WOOOOOO! BCS CHAMPIONSHIP HERE WE COME!) took most of my reading time away.

All in all, I'm fairly pleased with the reading I've accomplished.
  • My dad likes to mail me articles that he thinks I'd be interested in reading. (We're both librarians, so we're nerdtastic like that.) Normally, I read them right away. Lately, however, I've been a slacker. I finally got around to reading these articles that he sent to me back in... oh... April.
  • I started to put a dent in my magazines. They still keep piling up faster than I can read them; but that's a good incentive to get my back to the gym. Gotta work the holiday snacks off somehow.
    • Everyday Food, November 2012 - I loved the recipes for brussels sprouts and Thanksgiving Day sides. Noms.
    • National Geographic, November 12 - This was a decent issue. I think the best articles were on the penguins and cheetah. I might have been swayed by the pretty, pretty pictures.
  • Other things I managed to read include:
    • The ALA Editions catalog. I love going through these each time the come and clipping out books I want to read for professional development. Right now I'm on a kick about managing teams. 
    • My personal reading book Harem. I'm probably about 50 pages closer to the end of this one. I like it so far, but keep falling asleep before I can finish a full chapter.
