What I Read This Week: May 20, 2012

It's so pretty out! I love it when the weekend comes with blue skies and perfect temperatures. Sadly, the weather wasn't this kind earlier in the week, but that did allow me to get my reading on. Considering I was out  doing stuff most of the week, I managed to finish quite the pile of stuff.

  • The first magazine I tackled this week was the most recent (June 2012) issue of Real Simple. I love this magazine. It's always full of useful information and pretty pictures. In this issue, I LOVED the grilling guide. That article is being saved for further reference..
  • The second magazine I tackled was the May issue of National Geographic. I am so glad I subscribed to this magazine. Yes, it is full of gorgeous photographs and charts - but the articles are also well written and very interesting. This month, I was all about the fuzzy koala bears piece. The article on the birds that make sounds with their wings (and booty dances) was also incredibly interesting. Facts! I needs them. (It's reading stuff like this that makes me awesome at Jeopardy and bar trivia.)
  • At work, I finally got around to flipping through the April 2012 issue of Library Resources and Technical Services. The content I read was way drier than most people care to know but, in case you're interested, I read the following:
  • Book wise, I managed to get a few more pages into Veronica Roth's Divergent. I like the book so far, but I think I need to sit down a read a huge chunk of it in one go. Right now, I'm sneaking pages just before bed. That's no way to fall into a story like this.
