On the Job: Office Supplies

This entry is more "I love this!" than actual advice. For the past week or so, I've been setting up my new office area. This means new desk, new chair, new computer, and, to my great joy, new office supplies. My new job is more "desk work" than my previous position. I find I need things like paperclips, a stapler, and highlighters. Joy!

I have an addiction to office supplies. I love walking into Staples, Office Depot, and the supply aisle of Target. Something about those rows and rows of new office tools makes me all warm and fuzzy. Yes, I was that kid that loved to go back to school shopping. I am able to restrain myself from purchasing unnecessary items, but when office supply circulars arrive in my newspaper, I can't help but look.

If I could manage to give advice this week, it would be this: A well stocked office is a well prepared office. When you have a sharpened Number 2 pencil and legal pad, you can take down anything.

Real advice will return next week.
