Useful Things: Jobs

Some of my staff are beginning to hyperventilate. Graduation is in two(ish) weeks and not everyone has a job lined up. Instead of reviewing a single site, I've decided to post a list of job searching websites I've found to be useful.

You're "go to" generic job search site. Bonus - You get to upload a resume and have employers search for you.
This website searches TONS of listings. It also allows you to narrow your search by numerous means including location, salary, job type, etc.

Simply Hired
Like Indeed, this is a massive job listing search tool. I like that it allows you to search by experience level.

This is where you go for government work. Now if only they made applying easier.

If you want to work in/around Washington, DC, you're best job positing website is this one. Go here first.

In your URL bar, type in your desired city and add ".jobs" You'll be surprised what you may find.
