On the Job: be Prepared

I'm a planner. I like things organized, and I like to know what's going to happen, when, and where. The more prepared I can be, the better. Spontaneity is great and all, but when it comes to work, it's best to have control or understanding of your projects.

For example, I'm about to be hit with an avalanche of books. This happens at the end of every semester. Since I know what's coming, I can prepare for the onslaught. That means getting the usual end/beginning of the months project out of the way early, tracking down my borrowed book carts, photocopying shelving slips, etc. I do whatever I can do to prepare for this time of year because it makes my life a lot less stressful.

No matter your position, being prepared can go a long way to keeping you organized and focused. When you know you can handle the project, you can get it done more efficiently and accurately. Being prepared for the everyday things also allows you to adapt more readily for the unexpected situations. If you know how to handle the typical projects, you'll be able to jump right back on track after the interruption has been handled. Additionally, being prepared goes a long way when it comes to working with coworkers and supervisors. People will have more faith and trust in you, if you take pro-active steps to show that you can handle your position's requirements.

Not every aspect of work can be planned for, but being prepared where possible is a smart idea. No one likes to be caught off-guard.


Unknown said…
Organisation is most definitely the key concept when working towards a goal!