YouTube Tuesday: Shelf Wear

Recently, HarperCollins announced it would limited the number of e-book loans to 26. Essentially, after 26 check-outs the library would have to pay for a new license to the e-book. The publisher stated that libraries have to replace worn out copies print books after they've circulated many times. E-books don't suffer shelf wear and this was the publisher's way of finding an equilibrium for lost revenue. (Editor opinion - i.e. gouging libraries out of more money.)

Much brouhaha and heated conversation arose in library land following the decision. A group of librarians decided to throw together a video showing just how much wear and tear print books go through.

Librarians - 1
HarperCollins - 0

Swiss Army Librarian (a blog everyone should follow) has another great take on why the HarperCollins controversy has librarians steaming.

Librarians - 2
HarperCollins - 0
