AUTHOR: Kaoru Mori
STARTED: November 6, 2010
FINISHED: November 6, 2010
PAGES: 192
GENRE: Graphic Novel
FIRST SENTENCE: I returned this to the library before I remembered to grab the first sentence.
Meanwhile, with Emma beyond his reach, the Young Master Jones is doing his best to play the dutiful son; working harder, attending social dates, even doing charity work. This, of course, confuses his sister, Grace, and you can feel the tension and mild cognitive dissonance in her whenever she's in panel... that is, when she's not flustered by a trio of hens clucking away in admiration of her.
THOUGHTS: I’m beginning to think that I should have waited for the whole Emma series to be published so that I could read (and review) the whole story in one swoop. There’s not much to say now. I like the story. I like where the plot seems to be going. I really like the art. Yup. That’s that.
Check back to see if I have any massive revelations after reading volume 4.
RATING: 6/10 [Good]