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Links and Stuff: April 8, 2010
- The iPad may work wonders for self-publishing. Now if only I could get around to writing that book in my head.
- Does your library disaster plan prepare for the coming zombie invasion?
- I've never DNFed a book, but here's an NPR story on some who just throw in the towel.
- (Warning! This next bit is very geeky library stuff) There are a whole bunch of valuable library user studies out there. Roy Tenant distills the extensive report by JISC.
- Sometimes the courts really grind my gears. Keep an eye on your internet bills. The FCC lost it's bid for "net neutrality" against Comcast.
My thoughts, if I give 100 pages to a book and it is offering me nothing in return, give it up. I have better things to do with my life.