Useful Things: Kid Lit

There are a ton of kids books in existence. I read a bunch of them last summer, but that doesn't even begin to delve into the unseen iceberg bottom that is Children's Literature. People can and do obtain masters level degrees in children's lit.

I'm guessing that one of those students is the brain behind CLWG: Children's Lierature Web Guide. This website is a nice portal to all things web related to children's and young adult reading material. As an introduction, CLWG:

"The Children's Literature Web Guide is an attempt to gather together and categorize the growing number of Internet resources related to books for Children and Young Adults. Much of the information that you can find through these pages is provided by others: fans, schools, libraries, and commercial enterprises involved in the book world."
The website offers discussion boards, a list of award winning books, best sellers, and information on how to teach themes found in children and young adult books.  Probably most beneficial are the separate resource pages for teachers, parents, storytellers, writers and illustrators.

I, myself, am a list lover. I love lists - so the page listing lists made me happy.
