AUTHOR: Dorothy L. Sayers
STARTED: March 1, 2010
FINISHED: March 9, 2010
PAGES: 192
GENRE: Mystery
FIRST SENTENCE: There were crimson roses on the bench; they looked like splashes of blood.
THOUGHTS: I don't think I "do" mystery. Aside from a tiny side snippet in this book, there was nothing about Sayers' story that called to me. I could have cared less about the characters, "who dun it," or even the era the book is set in. I just didn't care at all about anything in this story. Part of me wonders if I would have liked the book more if I had read the others that came before it in the series, but I highly doubt it. I likes book with mystery in them, but apparently I'm not a huge fan of the mystery genre.
RATING: 5/10 [Meh.]