AUTHOR: Judith E. French
STARTED: July 6, 2009
FINISHED: July 16, 2009
PAGES: 355
GENRE: Romance
FIRST SENTENCE: The lamp flickered, casting grotesque, shifting patterns against the gray stone walls.
SUMMARY: [From] A tale about the brilliant political alliance of Alexander the Great and Princess Roxanne of Persia, and the passionate romance that flamed between them.
THOUGHTS: I wanted to like this book - but in the end I just couldn't. Roxanne comes across as selfish and inept, Alexander is an ass. Their relationship is not believable in the least and there is absolutely no emotional connection between them. All the background characters are set pieces who are there to move the plot along.
The book is saved from being a complete disappointment through the French's pervasive use of historical details and brilliant scene description.
Other than that, this book was blah.
RATING: 4/10 [An "okay" book]