AUTHOR: Audrey Wood
STARTED: May 23, 2009
FINISHED: May 23, 2009
GENRE: Juvenile
FIRST SENTENCE: "Help! Help!" cried the Page when the sun came up.
SUMMARY: [From] This rollicking tale is the story of an unruly king who refuses to leave his bathtub and attend to his duties. One by one, the knight, the queen, the duke, and all the members of the court attempt to persuade the King to leave his bath. At last, the clever page saves the day.
THOUGHTS: This was one of my favorite books as a child. I loved the humor of the story. Why won't that King leave the bathtub?!? Wait... MOM! Can I take a bubble bath with a cake?
If you have never read this book - you need to. The art is both cartoonish and life-like. I read this story over and over and over again because I loved the richness of the illustrations. The colors are warm and lush. The illustrator brought life to the page - I swear the fish in one illustration are actually swimming around. Wood did a fantastic job of capturing the emotions on people's faces. Also, when the Knight leaves the tub sopping wet, it leaves me giggling every time.
I still randomly quote this book - glug, glug, glug.
RATING: 9/10 [Excellent!]